Well, here I sit at the back of our little shop. Trying to find the words to describe the consortium of feelings I am feeling. ARGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Emma & I have a shop!!! It is open!!! And it is the most loveliest place. I love the energy this place emits, I love the smell, the light & the buzz that is the arcade.
Yesterday was our opening day & it was wonderful. To start the day off, the first people to walk past were Dan & Steph from "My Kitchen Rules" with their new baby..... HELLO CELEBRITIES!!!! We took this as a good sign...... :)
We had so many people come in to support us, they came to buy, they came to say "well done!" "Congratulations!" "You girls have done so well!" "we are so proud of you both" "this shop is lovely".
And we cannot express how grateful we are that you all did so! Even all our arcade family came in & bought some merch, and offered nothing but well wishes. Man we are so lucky.
Now apart from my fear of not being able to do adjustable knots on the necklace cords & Emma not being able to use our eftpos machine - I think we are doing pretty well haha.
If you are in the area please do pop in to check it out, and if you're not, we still have our website up & running - most of our products are available on there.
Seriously though, the next 3 or so months will be a nesting period I suppose & things will settle into the way they are meant to be... but for now, Em & I enjoy our shop-moon.
Love you Guys,
K x