I have been quite open about my journey with anxiety & depression - it is not something I wish for people to go through. It is dark, lonely, frightening + isolating.
R U OK? Day is coming up on 8th September, and this time of year always throws me back to a few years ago.... where I wasn't ok!
I have been quite open about my journey with anxiety & depression - it is not something I wish for people to go through. It is dark, lonely, frightening + isolating.
The main reason why I spoke up about my break down on here 8 years ago now, is because I think the reason it all got so bad, was because I felt I had no one to talk to. There was no one around speaking about their own battles, so i did indeed feel very, very alone.
You can read that first blog HERE and the second one HERE
So once I started to recover, sharing my slice of the black pie out in public became very important to me - I never wanted anyone to feel alone like I did again. If one person could read my story & think "oh my god, I feel a slither of light" then that was all I wanted.
I am glad that the topic of looking after our Mental Health is more so in the light now, but it still not enough. I read just a few days ago that Australia is in the TOP THREE of highest suicide rates in the WORLD.
We lose 9 beautiful humans a DAY to suicide in our country (this is more than our road toll!) And in 2020 alone we lost 3,139 people.
{ Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between the ages of 15 and 44 }
These numbers are too high. So why is this happening? (BTW, it's World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10)
I still think it can be hard to ask for help, there is still a stigma with not being ok, there is still judgement + pigeon holing in admitting you have mental ill-health.
Then throw in social media & the state of the world & you have one big yucky mess for your brain to decipher when it's a struggle some days to even get out of bed.
The world has been divided in the past couple of years; Australia became 7 countries, we were locked down, isolated & pipped against one another. This is so many toxic things all at once, before you even look at the original reasons for fighting the black dog in the first place. Now more than ever we need to make a difference!
That good old saying comes into play here; "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about"
Remember that next time you get angry in traffic, or someone is rude to you, or you lose patience in the supermarket line - everyone is fighting some kind of battle. We all have daily struggles. And another persons struggles or their reactions have absolutely nothing to do with you.
So just don't be an asshole. Be kind. Show empathy.
Because one small gesture, or smile can make the world of difference to someone who is not in a great place - trust me, I know!
The greatest thing I learned during the past 8 years in my own recovery journey is that the greatest gift we can give to ourselves & others is kindness, time & patience.
- Listen without needing to answer
(full body listening too! and put those bloody phones down!)
- Ask how you can help, what do they need?
- Remind the person how loved they are & that you are always there for them.
- Check in regularly.
Someone once said to me "one man cant fight a war" but I wholeheartedly disagree. If everyone had that outlook then what kind of world would we be living in? It would be way worse than what it currently is. All it takes is one person to do something kind, and the knock on effect flows on & on.
So go out there & be a good human. Show a stranger some kindness, some patience. Because you CAN make a difference in someone's journey down that dark pathway, and I am so grateful for the people who helped me.
Big Love To You All,
Kirsty x
If you need someone to talk to or some guidance, give these legends a call:
- Lifeline Crisis Hotline: 13 11 14.
- Beyond Blue : 1300 22 4636
5 x Earring Subscription Boxes
Inside this box is 6 pairs of beautifully handmade & curated earrings
especially put together for R U OK Day.
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