So, we do not want to tell someone else how to run their business.
Instead, we thought we would share with you what didn’t work well for us.
Weeding out all the do’s and don’ts can be a full time job in itself. It can all be overwhelming with the constant state of uncertainty that you are not running what is to be your bread and butter in the most efficient and intelligent way.
Reflections of a Cairns Gift Shop Owner…
The plethora of information on how to successfully run a small business is mind blowing.
Weeding out all the do’s and don’ts can be a full time job in itself. It can all be overwhelming with the constant state of uncertainty that you are not running what is to be your bread and butter in the most efficient and intelligent way.
What we have discovered over the past 8 years is that no two business are the same. Sure, we all have cash flow, inventory, constant social media changes, staff obligations, the list goes on, but no matter how much advice you seek and learn, at the end of the day, you know your business the best.
So, we do not want to tell someone else how to run their business. Instead, we thought we would share with you what didn’t work well for us.
Sometimes it feels like learning from our mistakes is more gratifying in the long run than getting it right the first time thanks to sheer luck and arseyness (totally a real word).
Being loyal to an idea or product just because of time & effort already invested
Oh, how this is a hard one to learn!
Pop a dash of emotion in there, and you have yourself double guessing all the way. Just because something used to work, does not mean you must keep doing the same thing. Ok, you have invested time (and usually money) into an idea or product, but things are always changing. Therefore, so should the ideas, concepts, the procedures associated with the business if you want to keep it going and growing.
People have their own shit going on
No matter how hard you try and read a situation, no one ever knows what goes on behind closed doors.
On the odd occasion things have happed (….or not happened at all) and we have been left scratching our heads wondering where it went wrong? Business relationships can be tricky at the best of times. No matter how much you try and make it a commercial transaction, basic human emotions can still have both parties seeking approval and closure for a positive outcome. Throw in other elements like day-to-day life, family, finances, and there is a whole other side to each business of which no two are the same.

As a retailer – you are also the customer!
It took us a little while to fully understand this.
After experiencing in essence, shit customer service from a couple of suppliers over a considerable period, we finally made the decision to put an end to these relationships. We had put these suppliers on a pedestal thinking ourselves lucky to be dealing with them, when in fact, WE were the customers spending our money with THEM.
It works both ways.
After receiving poor (or at times…..nil) customer service from these suppliers with little regard to the thousands of dollars we were spending with them, we finally realised that we too can take our business elsewhere saving us time, money and in the long run, our sanity.
On the other hand, we receive great customer service and built meaningful relationships with our current suppliers, we are extremely grateful for their time, knowledge & assistance.
At Eggplant + Poppy, we hold the aspect of our customer service first & foremost – without customers buying from us, we are literally just a space filled with objects.
All the bells and whistles don’t necessarily
mean a good party
Just because someone makes a lot of noise doesn’t mean they are actually doing anything.
Like Grandma said, words can say one thing, actions do another. While most people have the right intentions, sometimes this can be lost along the way.
I suppose as humans we all want to believe the best in someone or something, especially if it is going to have positive outcome or make life easier. Someone can promise you the world, but until you see the outcome and/or their actions going in the right direction, then all the glitter and lights cannot make up for lack of results.
If you have read down to here, you deserve a medal
This blog bordered on a therapy session.
I suppose it is all about assessing your wins and losses in owning a small business, not just finically. Seeing how far you have come and what you have learned along the way is all part of the ever-evolving awesomeness of being responsible for your own outcomes.
So, pop in and visit us anytime at our Cairns shop if you are looking for gift ideas or just a chat, we’d love to see you!
Or you can shop our full range of fabulous stuff on our online store anytime.